Finding an Employment Network after Vocational Rehab Case Closure
Finding job openings isn’t as difficult as you might imagine. While the Ticket to Work program is helpful, it isn’t the only service that people with disabilities often require. Vocational rehabilitation is popular and may be necessary depending upon a person’s specific needs. After your vocational rehabilitation case has been closed, the next step is […]
How Moving Affects Your SSDI Benefits
Social Security and Disability benefits can be challenging to navigate, so it’s understandable that beneficiaries and their families often have many questions. One of the most common questions people ask is whether or not moving will impact their Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or SSDI benefits. Fortunately, there’s often no reason to worry. Moving to a Different […]
Financial Independence: Why It’s Important
Has a disability caused you to give up on finding the job you want or living on your own? If you’re one of the many people living with a disability and haven’t been able to enjoy financial independence. Don’t give up. Keep reading for a few key reasons why financial independence is important. Self-Reliance For […]
Everything You Need to Know About Social Security PASS Plan
The Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS) work incentive is a government program that has been around since the 1970s. If you’re a person with a disability, the Social Security Administration can help you apply for this incentive. In the meantime, it’s helpful to learn about it and how it works for you. It’s a brilliant […]
Everything You Need to Know About Ticket to Work Program
A common misconception about Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits is that receiving either one prohibits an individual from working. While there are stipulations about work and a person’s eligibility to continue receiving benefits, employment doesn’t always mean a complete cutoff of benefits. If you feel you’re ready to begin the […]
Everything You Need to Know about Employment Networks
Whether you’ve recently been injured or have always had a disability, it can be difficult to find and keep a job for an extended period of time. Luckily, the Social Security Administration (SSA) was founded to provide support to people with disabilities and help them achieve all they set out to accomplish. The SSA has […]
Everything About SSDI Trial Work Period
The SSA Ticket to Work Program has been advantageous to those who receive SSI and SSDI benefits due to a disability. It helps benefit recipients explore ways to re-enter the workforce, which can provide greater income mobility and improved quality of life for those with disabilities. Many people who receive disability benefits find themselves wanting […]
Factors That Can Affect Your Social Security Disability Benefits
If a disability renders you unable to work, you may be eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits. This will help you provide the necessities of life. While you may have been receiving these benefits, situations may occur that could affect your eligibility status, causing you to stop receiving them. Understanding these situations will ensure […]
Can You Earn Money While Receiving Disability Benefits?
For many Americans, disability benefits are a huge help in maintaining some sense of independence and covering their monthly expenses. Of course, the amount received thanks to SSI or SSDI varies, and it isn’t always enough to enable you to do everything you want. Naturally, many people receiving disability benefits wonder if they’re able to […]
Do You Qualify for Disability Benefits? Here’s What to Know
Disability benefits are designed to help those that need financial assistance due to a disability. Usually, these people are unable to work due to this disability. There are many reasons why someone may need disability benefits. Once your application for these benefits has been accepted, there are certain guidelines that you should follow so that […]