The Ticket to Work Program empowers people who receive SSI or SSDI benefits with the ability to work. That allows those with disabilities to gain greater financial freedom without putting their benefits in jeopardy. The Ticket to Work Program requires that some specific criteria are met, but it can be a great tool for those wishing to gain independence from their benefits with an income derived from work.
Though the Ticket to Work Program can be beneficial for those who want to work and maintain benefits, the program is not a job placement service. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the ticket holder to find gainful employment within the guidelines of the program. There are many jobs available to those who wish to pursue the Ticket to Work Program. Read on to learn more about a few of the jobs you can work if you have an SSI Ticket to Work.
Federal Employment
There is a wide range of jobs available to Ticket to Work participants that span many job fields that fall beneath the US government. Schedule A gives the federal government the ability to hire job candidates without making them compete against other non-disabled candidates for the same positions. The government can provide vocational training and other benefits along with a job. The positions are probationary in nature, meaning that they are performed on a trial basis. If performance is satisfactory, they can be considered for positions that are competitive in nature on a career track.
Federal Contractor Employment
Similarly, federal contractors are encouraged by Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to not only avoid discrimination against candidates with disabilities, but to actively make positive steps towards increasing job accessibility. As a result, many federal contractors actively seek job candidates with disabilities through the Ticket to Work Program, which opens many career opportunities for participants in Ticket to Work.
Employment Network Jobs
The Ticket to Work Program relies on Employment Networks to help participants find job opportunities and receive appropriate training to increase chances of productive employment. Vocational services, non-profit organizations, and other businesses that participate as members of the Employment Networks, or ENs, can help link Ticket to Work participants with jobs that can provide a steady income and opportunities for advancement through training and improved access. Some businesses participate as Employment Networks simply so that they can find people with disabilities to employ within their organizations.
Many people are surprised to find out that the Ticket to Work Program extends to self-employment as well. While you may need to work through a specific EN to gain approval for self-employment in the Ticket to Work Program, there are resources available such as training and education in business management. Not all ENs will work with those who have self-employment as a goal, so do your research before contacting an EN if you wish to start your own business while in the Ticket to Work Program.
Work from Home
Some participants in the Ticket to Work Program can benefit from working-from-home opportunities. Such work arrangements are permitted under Ticket to Work, and there are many Employment Networks that specialize in such jobs. Working from home can be a perfect fit for those who are housebound or mobility-impaired, and it allows them to participate in the Ticket to Work Program from the comfort and stability of home.
If you are currently receiving benefits but would like to improve your career prospects and income potential, the Ticket to Work Program offers support and job opportunities that can improve quality of life for those with disabilities. To learn more about making the Ticket to Work Program work for you, visit A Path To Success at