APT Success

A Ticket to Work is a program designed to empower individuals with disabilities a chance to excel in life. You will receive professional advice to help you achieve your goals. The program’s main goal is to help you achieve financial freedom However, there are certain theories and misconceptions that some people have concerning this program. A Path To Success addresses three of the major misconceptions to clear any doubts.

You Will Lose Your Benefits after a Medical Review is Conducted by Social Security

Well, it’s true that for every individual with a disability, the Social Security Administration will conduct a medical review; however, this doesn’t mean you will lose your benefits. Nevertheless, the review is only to check your disability status. By participating in the Ticket to Work program, your protected from having a medical review. You just need to be meeting the progress requirements set by the SSA Ticket to Work program.

You Will Lose Medicare Benefits If You Start Working

This is also a myth. The program offers Medicare and sometimes Medicaid to individuals with a disability. However, it’s offered to individuals who earn below a certain amount of wage set by the state. If you’re getting Medicare and you decide to go to work, you’ll still be eligible for Medicare benefits, even after you are no longer receiving your SSDI benefits. In fact, you can continue to receive Medicare coverage form an additional 93 months.

You Will Have to Reapply for Benefits If You Stop Working at Some Point

If you earn enough and your benefits do happen to stop, you don’t have to reapply again. Your disability income benefits will resume, but only if you meet some requirements such as your disability status and loss of working income. Social Security will conduct a medical review to determine whether your disability and income status is still present. The program it is called an Expedited Reinstatement.

Don’t let these false myths keep you at bay. The program’s benefits are real. It doesn’t matter what type of Ticket to Work program it is, it will still cover you.

To learn more about the Ticket to Work program, contact A Path To Success at 877-737-9987 today.