APT Success

If you’re a social security recipient, you may want to know that if you return to work, you may still receive some of your benefits. The Ticket to Work program encourages career development for social security recipients who are between the ages of 18 and 64 and want to work. With this program, disabled individuals will be able to gain financial independence and also get connected with the services they need.

What Is Ticket to Work?

Ticket to Work is a program offered through Social Security to allow you to return to work. The program widens the vocational services that are available if you receive SSI and SSDI. It also gives extra protection for your disability benefits as incentives to try to return to the workforce. This is a voluntary program that does not impose on your benefits if you choose not to participate.

The Role of Employment Networks

The role of employment networks in the Ticket to Work program, is to provide assistance with this program, and help you back to work.. Certain employment networks concentrate on providing services only to individuals who have specific disabilities while there are other employment networks that work with all recipients regardless of the nature of their disabilities.

Ticket to Work Incentives

Ticket to Work incentives enables you to delve into a job while still receiving your benefits. While you work, you may be able to retain your Medicare or Medicaid, you may keep all or some of your social security benefits, and you gain access to customized support services. There are also additional work incentives under the Work Incentives Improvement Act such as lengthening the amount of time you may receive Medicare after returning to work, authorizing grants for work incentives assistance and planning, and authorizing payments to state advocacy agencies for providing services to you for returning to the workforce.