Having a disability due to injury or from birth shouldn’t prevent you from being able to provide for yourself and your family. An employment network offers numerous services to people enrolled in the Ticket to Work program find and retain employment. Here’s a guide to help you understand what employment networks are and how this program can help you reach your professional goals.
What is an Employment Network?
An employment network (EN) is a service provider that offers support to individuals with disabilities who want to get back into the workforce. Individuals, employers, and public organizations who partner legitimately with the Social Security Administration can, and do, serve as ENs. ENs offer several valuable services that help you find and maintain a job. Getting back to work helps you retain an amount of independence and gain confidence by allowing you to focus on your strengths.
There are services for people who are just starting to look for work again or long-time workers interested in learning about any additional benefits they may qualify for. Social Security Ticket to Work employment networks can provide compensation and assistance so you can work to support yourself and your family. The best part is that you can learn how to maximize your benefits and income from Social Security while working towards a goal of self-sufficiency.
Benefits of Employment Networks
Employment networks offer numerous beneficial services to help you pursue your professional goals. Some ENs will provide career counseling to help you figure out if working is right for you, search local listings for employment opportunities, and find a job that suits you. Once you find work, your employment network supplies ongoing support, including vocational rehabilitation and job training, so you can continue to thrive in your new position. Each network employment agency has your best interest in mind, and will work tirelessly to make sure you work efficiently and continue to grow within the company.
How to Enroll
You are eligible for assistance from an employment network if you receive Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Social Security Insurance. There are hundreds of ENs, and the terms of service for each one varies based on the type of support they offer. You should do thorough research on different employment networks before you make your final decision. You can find which ENs are closest to where you live by typing “employment networks near me” into the search bar of any search engine or by using the ‘Find Help’ tool on SSA’s website here: https://choosework.ssa.gov/findhelp/.
Changing an Employment Network
As you gain experience in the workplace, your needs change, and you may need to find a different employment network that supports those needs. You can change your employment network at any time. You need to fill out the proper paperwork and let your current EN know that you want to remove the network from your ticket. Before registering a new network, contact as many as possible and learn about each network’s services.
A Path To Success has more information to help you learn more about employment networks. Visit our Ticket to Work page at or call our toll-free phone number at 1- 877-737-9987.