The Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work program helps disabled individuals receiving federal benefits re-enter the workforce through job placement, career training and counseling services. Participants in the program receive training to earn a living while continuing to receive their federal benefits.
The Ticket to Work program is for individuals ages 18 to 64 receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) who want to find suitable employment and achieve an improved level of financial independence. The voluntary program has helped thousands of people since its inception in 1999.
Social Security disability recipients participating in the Ticket to Work program are hired to work onsite at local businesses, but you have another option if your disability keeps you homebound. Social Security Ticket to Work at home opportunities offer those receiving disability benefits the means to earn a living. Here’s what you need to know.
Employment Networks
The core of the Social Security Ticket to Work program is its focus on training recipients of SSDI or SSI to enter the job market or return after a prolonged absence. This is achieved through partnerships with local Employment Networks (ENs).
The Social Security Administration selects the Employment Networks to provide career counseling, job training and retention, vocational rehabilitation and other support services to disability recipients in the Ticket to Work program. The task of the ENs is to create a work plan to help program participants define their employment goals and receive support to reach their goals.
The ENs continue to provide participants ongoing support to ensure that they keep the job they have or move on to a better paying one. Disability recipients get the education and training to succeed in their chose field of work to earn their way off federal benefits. The Ticket to Work program requires participants to meet job or career goals within specific time frames, and participants undergo regular reviews by Social Security to see if they are making progress.
How It Works
Employment Networks comprise a variety of groups, organizations, and governmental and non-governmental entities. These include job placement agencies, workforce development centers, mental health and faith-based nonprofits, and vocational rehabilitation vendors. As a Ticket to Work disability recipient you may assign your ticket to the EN you want, and you may speak with as many ENs as you choose without having to assign your ticket.
Work from Home
There are Ticket to Work ENs that offer job training for work-from-home and remote work opportunities. You could consider this as an option if you have mobility issues, such as being confined to a wheelchair. Positions include call center specialist, customer care associate and scheduling agent. The ENs often have partnerships with major companies that want people who possess solid communication skills and the ability to work independently or with minimal supervision.
The Social Security Ticket to Work program was created to reduce the dependence of SSDI and SSI recipients on federal disability benefits by training them to return to the workforce. Many disabled recipients who believe their options to be limited because of mobility restrictions can be encouraged to know that there are Employment Networks that offer home and remote work opportunities and partnerships with employers.
If you are a disabled person receiving Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income and are considering returning to the job market through remote work or by working at home, Social Security Ticket to Work at home is your best alternative. Contact A Path To Success USA at 877-737-9987 to find out more.